TEXT-TO-GIVE: Text the code listed below to 1-855-575-7888 to give.

GIVE ONLINE: Give online via our DonorBox campaigns: Refugee Response | Disaster Response

CHECK: Make checks payable to “Missouri Annual Conference” and add a designation, such as Refugee Response or Disaster Response, in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to:

Missouri Annual Conference
3601 Amron Ct.
Columbia, MO 65202 


Saturday, June 7 – Service of Recognition

Support Immigration & Refugee Response (Text Option: 747113)
Extend hope to immigrants and refugees through the work of Della Lamb Community Services and Lifewise StL, two United Methodist-connected organizations making a real difference. Your gift provide critical agency support — housing, job training and essential services — to those seeking safety and a new start. Partner with us in offering radical hospitality and tangible care.

Sunday, June 8 – Celebration of Ministry: Commissioning and Ordination

Disaster Response Trailer (Text Option: 299474)
Help us equip five Missouri Conference Disaster Response Trailers with the tools needed to serve communities in crisis. From chainsaws to work gloves, every item stocked means faster, more effective relief when disaster strikes. Your generosity ensures we’re ready to respond with love and practical aid when it’s needed most.