Commercial and non-profit organizations are invited to offer exhibits at the 2025 session of the Missouri Annual Conference. The standard exhibit space is 8’ X 10’ and includes piping and draping as well as a table and chairs. A table display without piping and draping is also available. Electricity and extra cords are available for additional cost. 

In 2025, we are offering two special sponsorship opportunities:

Cross Sponsorship – $2,000


  • Sponsorship of the Small Membership Luncheon on Saturday with introduction and short remarks (limited to 5 minutes)

  • Logo and pre-approved materials on tables during the luncheon

  • 8’ X 10’ booth

  • Logo placement on the registration website, www.MOACInfo.com

  • Up to a :90 second promotional video played during the annual conference session

Flame Sponsorship – $1,500


  • Primary logo placement on the registration bag

  • 8’ X 10’ booth

  • Logo placement on the registration website, www.MOACInfo.com

  • Up to a :90 second promotional video played during the annual conference session

Exhibitor Pricing

Set according to three categories.

United Methodist Non-Profits - $80 for table only, $110 for booth

  1. All councils, teams, committees, boards, task forces and commissions of the Missouri Annual Conference

  2. All General Boards and Agencies of the United Methodist Church

  3. All agencies that receive funding through the budget of the Missouri Annual Conference

Non-profits that sell a product - $110 for table only, $140 for booth
Non-profit organizations whose primary purpose is to sell a product for mission purposes

Commercial - $400 booth
Groups established as profit-making organizations

Guidelines for Booths/Displays

  1. All displays are to be in line with the mission of the church. Displays that are considered to be offensive, a safety risk or not in harmony with this statement will be asked to leave.

  2. NO EXCEPTIONS – If anything is placed on the chairs in the plenary space without proper approval, it will be removed and disposed of. See Heather Dease if you have any questions.

  3. Each display is to stay within the perimeters of the area assigned.

  4. If sound equipment is used, it is not to be disruptive to adjoining booths/displays.

  5. Each display area is to have a high awareness of and regard for safety.

  6. No alcoholic beverages or firearms are to be present.

  7. Smoking in the display area is not allowed.

  8. Businesses are to keep the display area free from clutter or debris.

  9. Upon leaving, businesses are to leave the display area as it was found.

  10. The Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church is not responsible for items in display areas.

  11. Those renting the display space and equipment will be responsible for any damages incurred.

  12. The final authority on who is approved for booth space and what is handed out on the tables is made by the Director of Connectional Ministries in conjunction with the Annual Conference Sessions Committee.

Important Dates

Anticipated Exhibitor Move-in: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 5
Anticipated Exhibit Hours

  • 5-8 p.m. on Thursday, June 5 (optional)

  • 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, June 6

  • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 7

  • 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 8 (optional)

Times subject to change, final times will be shared in the Exhibitor Know-Before-You-Go email in late May.                                   

Booth Reservations must be made by May 1, 2025, exhibitor registration will close at that time.