2024 Annual Conference Recap
What a joy it was to gather in-person with you for conferencing in St. Charles last weekend! As you return to your ministry setting refreshed and Spirit-filled, we’ve rounded up some details and resources you may find helpful in sharing Annual Conference with your local church.
Sharing Annual Conference
After you’ve had a chance to reflect, here are some practical ways to share what you’ve discovered with your church:
Share your experience on social media with hashtag #MOAC24
Write an article for your weekly email and other church communications
Make use of the resources listed below
Share your experience with your church leadership team(s)
Media from Annual Conference
Worship Playlist – A list of the songs played by the worship team during our time together.
Photos from Conference – Courtesy of Schaefer Photography, Fred Koenig and Rev. Eric Mattson
Annual Conference Recordings – Videos available for streaming and download from the weekend.
Annual Conference Presentations – Download PDFs of slides shared during the business sessions of MOAC24.
Sermon Recordings – Videos of the sermons preached during the Service of Recognition and Celebration of Ministry as well as the Bishop's Opening Plenary time.
Worship Chord Charts – This year we want to gift simplified arrangements of hymns that anyone can use in their local church. These charts will work for all different types of musicians and abilities. They can be sung and played alongside the UMH. There is also a special gift from the COR Worship Collective, an arrangement of their song “I Am Yours.” This song uses words from the Wesleyan Covenant Prayer with beautiful melody. Arrangements were created by Walter Bryant, Music Director at Platte Woods Church.
SHARE Teaching Series – This four-week sermon or small group series based on our 2024 Annual Conference theme will help participants come to know their own faith story, see others who are longing for experience with God, live in such a way that their very lives are an expression of Christ, and then to invite others to have an encounter with the unconditional love of God.
Announcement Slides – Missed an announcement? View the full reel here.
Laity Resources
These resources were shared during the Laity Session:
Lay Ministry Team Greeting – Download and share the video shown at the start of all district laity sessions.
Postcards from Laity Session – If you prefer a digital edition of our Laity Session handout, find it at these links:
Lay Education Page – Learn more about available lay education courses as well as pathways to Certified Pulpit Supply and Certified Lay Minister.
Absorb Learning Platform – Sign up for a free account and view online, on-demand learning opportunities.
Contact a Lay Leader – View a list of district lay leaders and their emails.
Contact a District Lay Education Coordinator – View a list of district lay education coordinators and their emails.
Stay Connected with Lay Ministries – Opt-in to the Missouri Laity Newsletter, district communications and more.
Growth Opportunities for Laity – Conference Lay Ministry Team At-Large Member and newly elected Jurisdictional Conference Delegate Kyle Boehr pulled together a guide for upcoming growth opportunities for laity. Share it with others in your local church!
Race and Culture Resources
Visit the race and culture hub on moumethodist.org to find stories and resources related to the Missouri Conference’s race and culture work, including downloadable resources from our new Love Unites campaign.
Annual Conference by the Numbers
$15,012.92 was raised for the Mozambique Initiative offering, which will support health ministries in rural and remote areas.
$14,071.18 was raised for the Puerto Rico offering, which will help stabilize homes most susceptible to extreme weather events on the island of Vieques.
3 individuals were ordained as Full Elder.
1 individual was ordained as Full Deacon.
4 individuals were commissioned into ministry as Provisional Elder.
2 individuals were commissioned into ministry as Provisional Deacon.
3 Certified Lay Ministers were recognized.
6 Certified Pulpit Supply were recognized.
4 Course of Study graduates were honored.
13 Licensing School graduates were recognized.
27 clergy and 14 spouses, including 5 clergy and 2 clergy spouses from Mozambique, who entered into the Church Triumphant were remembered.
Final Housekeeping Notes
Lost and Found
Any items collected from the Exhibit Hall at the conclusion of the annual conference session were transported to the Conference Center in Columbia. If you have a lost item, please call 573-441-1770 to inquire if we have it.
Stay Connected
We use the channels below regularly to communicate important announcements about upcoming events, programming that might be of interest to members of our Conference, creative and effective ideas being used in the local church, and much more.
Conference website, www.moumethodist.org
District Newsletters, Net News, Clergy and Laity newsletters, and other email newsletters sign-up
Missouri Annual Conference Office, call the main line at 573-441-1770 or view Conference staff direct lines
Additionally, keep an eye out for the July issue of The Missouri Methodists magazine, which is our Annual Conference recap issue.
Save the Date for MOAC25
Mark your calendars and make plans to join us June 6-8, 2025, at the St. Charles Convention Center.