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Teaching Time (Sunday School)

  • St. Charles Convention Center - Grand Ballroom A-B-C 1 Convention Center Plz Saint Charles, MO, 63303 United States (map)

A plenary teaching time

Teacher: Rev. Rev. Dr. Joel LeMon, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, Georgia

This session will not be livestreamed.

About Rev. LeMon

The Rev. Dr. Joel M. LeMon, who has been a member of Candler’s faculty since 2007, views music as a tool for engaging with Scripture. His classes combine that artistic passion with an expertise in Old Testament interpretation and ancient Near Eastern history to teach students how to interpret Scripture carefully and faithfully.

LeMon’s research focuses on the Psalms, Hebrew and Ugaritic poetry, and ancient Near Eastern history, literature and art. He is the author of Yahweh’s Winged Form in the Psalms: Exploring Congruent Iconography and Texts (Academic Press, 2010) and the co-editor of Method Matters: Essays on the Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Honor of David L. Petersen (Society of Biblical Literature, 2009) and Image, Text, Exegesis: Iconographic Interpretation and the Hebrew Bible (T&T Clark/Bloomsbury, 2015). In addition, he has several books in progress, including one that focuses on violence in the Psalms and ancient Near Eastern iconography, for which he received a grant from the Emory University Research Committee.

LeMon is dedicated to the church, the academy and the Candler community, evidenced by his frequent speaking engagements at universities, associations and churches, his appointments as co-chair of two subcommittees of the Society of Biblical Literature, a position on the editorial board of the scholarly journal Interpretation, and his selection to numerous committees at Candler. He is an elder in the Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church.

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