Doors open at 12:15 p.m. Come to any or all workshops! Registration is $20 and includes a box dinner.
Registration can be completed as part of your Annual Conference registration.
Pre-Conference Workshop Schedule
1-3:30 p.m. We Aren’t Broke – Uncovering Hidden Resources for Mission and Ministry
Join us for an inspiring workshop with Rev. Mark Elsdon, author of We Aren’t Broke, as he challenges the way we think about money, mission and impact in our churches. We are excited to welcome Mark virtually for this exclusive event as churches discover how to align their financial resources with their values and turn assets into powerful tools for justice, sustainability and community transformation.
Mark is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, USA, and co-founder of RootedGood, which supports catalytic and innovative faith-based leaders working on property development, money and mission alignment, and social enterprise. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a visionary leader at the intersection of faith and finance.
*Note: Virtual presenters will be hosted by an on-site host who will facilitate the speaker’s engagement with the audience.
4-5:30 p.m. Good Funerals, Lasting Legacies: Getting the dead where they need to go, and the living where they need to be
Join Thomas Lynch*, renowned funeral director, poet and author of The Good Funeral, for a profound and engaging exploration of what makes a good funeral — and why it matters. With his signature blend of wisdom, wit and deep humanity, Lynch reminds people in all ages and stages of life that funerals are not just about the dead but about guiding the living toward meaning, healing and legacy. Thomas Lynch’s insight brings a beautiful perspective to putting your house in order.
*Note: Virtual presenters will be hosted by an on-site host who will facilitate the speaker’s engagement with the audience.
5:30-6:15 p.m. Dinner
A variety of boxed dinners from McAllister’s Deli. Please note dietary restrictions at registration.
6:30-8 p.m. Breakout Sessions (choose one)
OPTION #1: Putting Your House in Order Workshop
Planning for the future and making end-of-life decisions can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Join Rev. Laura Murphy for the Putting Your House in Order workshop. This in-person presentation will share practical guidance on organizing your personal, financial and legal affairs. Whether you're thinking about wills, estate planning or leaving a lasting legacy, this workshop will help you take the next steps with confidence and help you engage in meaningful conversations with loved ones about your wishes, values and priorities. Laity and clergy will find this useful for themselves and learn more about offering this workshop in their local churches. Every participant receives a free workbook.
OPTION #2 Church Financial Well-Being Workshop
Is your church doing all it can to protect its assets? Many believe that fraud rarely happens in churches, but 30% of churches have experienced it in the past 10 years. Presented by Chris Bouchard, C2FM Associate Director, this workshop is designed to provide resources and assistance to review financial policies and practices. The topics for this in-person workshop include discussion and use of policies and practices for handling cash and other donations, bill paying practices, separation of duties, and ensuring compliance with policies. This workshop is designed for pastors, financial staff, church boards and finance committee members.
OPTION #3 FAQ’s on Longterm Financial Sustainability and Healthy Administrative Practices
David Atkins, CEO of the Missouri United Methodist Foundation, has been helping the Missouri United Methodist Churches for 28 years. David will share the answers to the frequently asked questions he hears from church boards, pastors and individual givers. These FAQs span topics like church investments, endowments, planned gift arrangements, gift acceptance policies, building self-insurance reserves, when a church should consult a lawyer and more!