A service honoring the lives of Missouri and Mozambican pastors and spouses who have died since the last Annual Conference.
Preacher: Bishop Bob Farr
Bishop Bob Farr
Robert Farr serves as Bishop of the Missouri Area of The United Methodist Church. Elected by the South Central Jurisdiction in July 2016, he was assigned to the Missouri Area beginning September 2016. Prior to the episcopacy, he served as Director of Congregational Excellence for the Missouri Conference. From 2000-2007, he served as senior pastor of Church of the Shepherd in St. Charles where he led the congregation through relocation that increased worship from 450 to 1,200 in worship attendance. Prior to that, Farr started Grace UMC in Lee’s Summit in 1990 and Hope Church in Lone Jack, a daughter congregation of Grace, in 1998. The author of a number of books, Farr attended seminary at Perkins School of Theology.